Useful Links
These links are to assist Pensioners to find information about Vauxhall and the Vauxhall Pensions Department. Simply click on the text for the relevant information.
The Pensions Department
Changes to Pensions Administration
Recently, the Pensions administration team has been outsourced. There are 3 different companies involved, depending on which of the Vauxhall, Bedford and Associated companies' plans you were in. If you know which Pension plan you are in (check the name on the most recent payment advice, P60 etc), you can find the details here:
If you do not know the plan you are in, and especially if you have a deferred pension and have no records, you may have to ring or email all 3 companies.
Recently, the Pensions administration team has been outsourced. There are 3 different companies involved, depending on which of the Vauxhall, Bedford and Associated companies' plans you were in. If you know which Pension plan you are in (check the name on the most recent payment advice, P60 etc), you can find the details here:
If you do not know the plan you are in, and especially if you have a deferred pension and have no records, you may have to ring or email all 3 companies.
The new Pension Plans, either the General Motors (VML) Plan, the General Motors (IBC) Plan or the Millbrook Pension Plan, are administered by Aon:
General Motors (VML) Pension Plan
Aon, PO Box 196
Huddersfield, HD8 1EG
Tele: 0330 808 5226
Email: [email protected]
Aon, PO Box 196
Huddersfield, HD8 1EG
Tele: 0330 808 5226
Email: [email protected]
Avoiding Pensions Scams
Good advice from the Pensions Regulator about avoiding scams relating to your Pension: click the link here, or download the file:
Vauxhall Welfare Fund
The Vauxhall Welfare Fund is a registered charity that supports Vauxhall employees in both the south and the north of the country, Vauxhall retirees, their spouses and their dependants. It also covers employees and retirees of IBC vehicles and retirees of ADC and AWD.
You can apply to the fund if you are suffering financial hardship or if you have experienced a need for an item that is outside of your means.
If you do not have excessive savings and you are in need then the Welfare Fund may be able to help.
For more information and to request help please find details at
Vauxhall Welfare Fund 07460 171565. Email [email protected]
You can apply to the fund if you are suffering financial hardship or if you have experienced a need for an item that is outside of your means.
If you do not have excessive savings and you are in need then the Welfare Fund may be able to help.
For more information and to request help please find details at
Vauxhall Welfare Fund 07460 171565. Email [email protected]
Stellantis Car Plan
The website for the Stellantis Car Plan lease scheme for Pensioners can be found here If you are not registered on the Stellantis scheme, try emailing [email protected] or call Fleet Management on 0151 350 3250
Vauxhall Partners
Pensioner terms for purchase or PCP leasing of Vauxhalls can be found here: Email: [email protected]
Vauxhall Chaplaincy team
The chaplains are privileged to serve the whole Vauxhall family, not just current employees. If any Vauxhall Pensioners would like to talk with one of the team, please use Rev Ian Smith as an initial point of contact in the short-term (until restrictions are fully lifted), and he will help where he can, or contact his colleagues if needed: Email: [email protected] or 01582 900598