Get in Touch
You can contact the Pensioners' Association by email. However, if your question involves your, or a relative's, pension, please see the Useful Links page.
To contact the Vauxhall Pensioners' Association please email: [email protected], or complete the form below for general enquiries:
VPA South
Please phone 01582 759851 for booking trips only VPA North Dave Williams 0151 608 8701 |
VPA Committee - South
President: David Kirke
Vice President: John Fulcher
Chair: Nigel Smith
Vice Chair: Marion Clinch
Honorary Secretary: Dave Linney
Entertainments Secretary: Sylvia Pemberton
Minutes Secretary/Newsletter Assistant: Jean Skipp
Honorary Treasurer: Richard Mumford
Newsletter/ External Publicity Officer: Norman McGregor
Facebook Administrator: Bill Saul
Golf Section: Mike Roberts
Committee Members:
Chris Cleary
Tony Hunt
Gordon Salton
Emails to [email protected] will be forwarded
Vice President: John Fulcher
Chair: Nigel Smith
Vice Chair: Marion Clinch
Honorary Secretary: Dave Linney
Entertainments Secretary: Sylvia Pemberton
Minutes Secretary/Newsletter Assistant: Jean Skipp
Honorary Treasurer: Richard Mumford
Newsletter/ External Publicity Officer: Norman McGregor
Facebook Administrator: Bill Saul
Golf Section: Mike Roberts
Committee Members:
Chris Cleary
Tony Hunt
Gordon Salton
Emails to [email protected] will be forwarded
VPA Committee - North
Chairman: Tony Byrne
Vice Chair: Alan Seymour
Treasurer: Ann Bickerstaffe
Secretary: John Morton
News from the North: Dave Williams
Anne Atherall
Arnie Jones
Ernie Jones
Vice Chair: Alan Seymour
Treasurer: Ann Bickerstaffe
Secretary: John Morton
News from the North: Dave Williams
Anne Atherall
Arnie Jones
Ernie Jones